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low carbohydrate中文是什么意思

用"low carbohydrate"造句"low carbohydrate"怎么读"low carbohydrate" in a sentence


  • 低碳水化合物


  • Bee yong joon made good use of the low carbohydrate diet method , which becomes very popular in the state
  • The couple had been very careful about what they ate , no fats , no sugars , no sweets , no frostings , and very low carbohydrates
  • An excessively high rate of usage combined with low carbohydrate stores reduced his endurance , even at relatively easy running speeds
  • Eating veg doesn t includes potatoes and rice , but french bean , cabbage , carrot , lettuce , tomato , and other low calorie and low carbohydrate vegetables
  • But , because children loves to hit more , amuse , move more , jiashangwei gives birth to intellectual control very little , the needle that manages ear department easily ( medical ) , cause contamination infection , accordingly , in apply after treating , must coach child note , ask parents is timely circumstance of examination ear needle , notice ear ministry is wholesome , want to notice to change dietary structure at the same time , low carbohydrate of choice high protein , low adipose food , encourage its to increase an activity , ability achieves anticipated curative effect , of parents it is very important to cooperate closely
    但是,由于儿童多喜爱打逗,多动,加上卫生知识把握甚少,易于弄掉耳部的针(药) ,并引起污物感染,因此,在施治后必须指导孩子注重事项,并要求父母适时检查耳针情况,注重耳部卫生,同时要注重改变饮食结构,选择高蛋白低碳水化合物、低脂肪的饮食,鼓励其增加活动,才能达到预期的疗效,家长们的密切配合十分重要。
用"low carbohydrate"造句  


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